Emerging Social Media in World

What is Social Media?
Social media is made up of two words, where social means society and media means best medium, it means that such a mass communication medium by which every person of the society can express his views.
There was a time when only humans used to carry messages from one place to another, in such a way that a person transfer information to the another person was known as the messenger, the message in the royal courts was secret for pleasure testing. There used to be variables who used to do the work of communication and contact, which in today’s language is called journalist or Social Media Manager.
Mass Communication
In order to increase the speed of transport, emphasis was laid on connecting it with technology, this new category was named mass communication, that is, the communication system in which the medium is used is called mass communication
After this radio invented for communication thereafter television became the main means of mass communication.
Computer & Internet
After the origin of computers in the 1940s, the development of information technology and the use of the internet made very large world to a box. If we talk about the present day. Many social networking sites are working effectively and if we talk about the people connecting with them, then almost the entire population of the world is available on these social sites.
Origin of Social Media Networking Sites
The year 2000 saw the birth of truly social networking sites in which LinkedIn and MySpace played an important role. Along with technology, the development of devices like computer, laptops, mobile phones and android also made it easier for the common man to access.
And it has emerged as the most popular social networking site, if we talk about the present, many social networking sites are connecting people in a good number as compared to Facebook and Twitter. example- Instagram.
Future of Social Media
What has been told to you so far, almost all the changes that have happened within the last decade, if we talk about the future, then the future will remain in social media and if we say that its dominance will be in the next 40-50 years. If it stays till then there will be no surprise in it.